Graybyrd's Stuff


Recollections and stories of growing up in the Methow Valley of Washington State in the 1950's and 1960's when rural life was a viable economic option in America. I never realized at the time just how precious or fleeting was the opportunity to be a 12-year-old boy with his own .22 rifle and the freedom to roam the ridges and mountains of a wilderness region.


Featuring a small selection of rare works by Robert Service and Wilfred Owen, who as young men endured the horrors of the "Great War." Robt. Service was later best remembered for his famous "Yukon" sagas. Owen, who some consider to be the greatest war poet of modern times, was killed in the week prior to war's end.

Included here are a few selected poems by Graybyrd.

Patahoek petroglyph


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This is my work in progress of stories, poetry (mine and also some of Wilfred Owen and Robert Service), commentary, and personal recollections.